Five qualities the company producing your slide out truck bed should have.

Each year, thousands of Americans get a slide out truck bed installed on their truck. A slide out truck bed is exactly what it sounds like, a truck bed that slides in and out of the truck. Typically, they have some shelves or something of that nature on them where people can organize the things they need for their job. The slide makes it easy for them to pull things in and out of the truck bed, and it makes it http://www.extendobed.comvastly easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

As you might imagine, if lots of Americans use these slide out truck beds then lots of companies out there are producing them. Figuring out which company you want to buy from can be difficult, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here are five qualities that you should look for in the company you buy your slide out truck bed from. If you don’t have time to compare every company you come across with this list, then visit

1. Great reviews. The first thing that you should look for in a producer of slide out truck beds is great reviews. People are very open and honest about the products they buy, so you shouldn’t have a hard time figuring out which companies are thought of highly by their customers and which are not. Use these reviews as a general guideline to which companies are producing high quality slide out truck beds and which are not.

2. Quality products. The second thing you should keep your eye out for are companies that are producing a high quality product. If you haven’t ever looked at slide out truck beds before you might be thinking to yourself that you won’t know the difference, but you will. Within a few minutes of looking at various truck beds you’ll realize who’s making high quality stuff and who isn’t.

3. Experience. The third thing you need to look for in a company producing slide out truck beds is experience. The more years they have worked in the field the more they’ll understand what makes a good slide out truck bed. Experience is key in an industry of such specificity. Make sure the company you buy from has it.

4. Warranties. When you buy a slide out truck bed you’re making a significant investment. Thus, you need to make sure that your investment is going to be protected if you somehow ended up getting a faulty one. Make sure that the company you buy from is offering warranties on their products.

5. Competitive pricing. Lastly, don’t pay more than you need to. There are lots of companies out there who are producing slide out truck beds, so you shouldn’t have too big of a problem finding a company that’s making them for an affordable price.

If you don’t have time to go through all of the options out there, as was mentioned earlier just reach out to Extendobed. There simply aren’t better truck beds out there on the market.

The top ten reasons to get a pickup truck bed extender.

http://www.extendobed.comIf you use a truck for work, then you know just how important they are to such people. If you’re an electrician or a plumber and you rely heavily on your truck for work, then you need a truck that’s reliable and that has everything you could ever need. If you work in such a profession then you’re not able to get any work done if you don’t have your truck and if your truck doesn’t have what you need. That’s why you see those toolboxes in the backs of people’s trucks. Those boxes carry all of their tools and equipment that they need for their jobs, and they allow them to carry that stuff without worrying about it being stolen.

pickup truck bed extender is just taking the idea of the toolbox one step further. Instead of having just a box to put stuff in, a truck bed extender allows people to have shelves and various containers where they store stuff. All of this is set up on a slide of sorts where the person can roll these things in and out of the truck. If you work from your truck and you don’t have a pickup truck bed extender, here’s the top ten reasons why you should remedy that.

1. Easy access. One of the best reasons to install a truck bed slider on your truck is that it makes getting to your stuff so much easier. It’s way easier to roll it all out so it’s right in front of you than it is to look for it when it’s all just strewn about the bed.

2. Stay organized. In line with the first reason, installing a truck bed extender is the best way to make sure that all of your stuff stays organized.

3. More stuff. When it’s all very organized in your truck, then it’s much easier to bring more stuff along with you. This means less trips back to the shop and more work that gets done.

4. Easier to work on. When you can roll everything out on a shelf it makes it easier for you to have something to work on.

5. Moving heavy stuff is easier. Really heavy stuff is far easier to move in and out of the bed of your truck when you have a truck bed slide.

6. More efficient. It’s more efficient to bring stuff out of the truck like this.

7. Saves time. When you can find things with ease it saves time, meaning you get more work done each day.

8. Easy to install. They’re easy to install, so that can’t be an excuse.

9. Easy to maneuver. Yet again, the ease with which you can move stuff in and out of the truck bed will absolutely blow you away.

10. Affordable. They’re much more affordable than you would think.

If you’re ready to install a bed extender on your truck, reach out to Extendobed. They’ve been working in the industry for years, and they know what it takes to make a durable and reliable pickup bed extender. Visit their website at to learn more.

Know where everything is with a truck bed organizer.

Losing something is one of the most frustrating experiences. It’s especially difficult when you strongly believe you left the thing you’re looking for at a specific location but you can’t seem to find it. Of course, some people lose things more often than others. Some people out there are a little less focused on the things they’re doing, so they end up misplacing items far more regularly. They are the people who can’t leave because they can’t find their keys, who lose water bottles every time they take one with them, and who always seem to lose their phone at least a couple of times each year. Some people are just messier and less organized than others, and thus they are far more likely to lose things.

Even if you’re one of the people who loses things frequently, it’s probably not that big of a deal. However, for some people, like those who lose things at work, misplacing items can become quite a problem. This is most prominent in people who work out of their trucks for their jobs and who are constantly losing tools or other items that they need. Even with a toolbox in the back of their truck, they can’t seem to ever find their wrench or that piece of wire that went missing. This is precisely why companies like Extendobed invented the truck bed organizer, a nifty creation that helps people never lose things again.

truck bed organizer is essentially a truck bed that’s outfitted with various shelves and compartments. People are able to store all of their items in these containers or on these shelves instead of just throwing stuff into the bed of their truck. Thus, they can get everything very organized so that they’re not misplacing things anymore. The really cool part about the truck bed organizers that Extendobed makes is that they actually sit on a pulley or slide. This means that the person driving the truck can roll these shelves and containers out on the pulley system so that everything is sitting there right in front of them. It’s like a massive drawer where you can store everything, only it’s the bed of your truck.

The truck bed slide created by Extendobed is truly one of the great inventions that benefits people who work out of their trucks. Instead of having to dig around in the bed of their truck or behind their seats to find something, they know exactly where everything is because it’s been neatly packed on the truck bed slide. No matter how heavy everything is, the slide is easy to pull out and push into the back of the truck. It just makes working out of the back of your truck so much easier than it’s ever been before. If you’re interested in organizing the bed of your truck to make your work easier and more efficient, reach out to Extendobed. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect truck bed organizer for your particular needs.

Getting the Perfect Product for Your Truck

Extendobed is a company that specializes in slide out truck beds, organizers, and extenders. They have been in business for over thirty years and have been Extendobedable to give thousands of people any one of those things. You will love when you receive your first slide out truck bed, truck bed organizer, and pickup truck bed extender. There is so much more that you can do when you receive a product from Extendobed. Receiving one of those products from Extendobed is like Christmas to some people. Those people may not have been able to do much with their trucks before. When people rely on their trucks for more than just transportation, then they deserve to have the best for their truck. Extendobed can give that to them. That is why they went in to business to begin with. They want to help as many people as possible with their trucking needs. You will love working with Extendobed and to get your slide out truck bed.

When Extendobed first started the company, they had just invented and patented the first slide out truck bed. It was not quite as popular as other models eventually became available. But, eventually, Extendobed was able to grow their business and expand. Many people love the products from Extendobed so much that they keep coming back for more products. You can get so much from Extendobed. They will even be able to get you a truck bed slide if you want to have one. Extendobed has so much to give to others and they have been like that their entire existence. They are even able to equip a lot of emergency vehicles because they know how much their products will help others. And, you can trust their equipment. Extendobed makes all of their equipment solid and able to withstand many different factors. There is nothing worse than not being able to trust the company that is giving you equipment. But, how can you not trust Extendobed? They are so successful that their products are used all over the world. That is how trustworthy they are. Everyone loves their products and want to get their hands on them at all times.

Nobody likes to have to deal with a truck or emergency vehicle that is not doing what they promised it would do. Being able to haul anything you want at any time is what everyone with a truck wants to be able to accomplish. They want to know that their truck will be able to do what they were told it could do. Sometimes you have to do something a little extra in order to get what you want out of your truck. Extendobed can help you with getting that other something added to your truck. You will appreciate the help that Extendobed can give to you. There is no reason that you should not turn to Extendobed to help you install one of their products in to your truck. It will be so much better when you have a product from Extendobed in your truck.

Getting the Job Done Right

There is nothing better than being able to use your truck for daily activities and to haul anything around. But, there may be times that you will not be able to haul something that you really need to. That can be really frustrating to have to deal with. You need to have a way that you can haul anything around and you get everything done that you need to without having to go and get another truck. Extendobed can help you with the problem that you are having. For many years, Extendobed has been able to help people who have found that their truck is just not cutting it anymore. With help from Extendobed, that will not be an issue any longer. You will be able to haul anything you want after you have received help from Extendobed. They have come up with the perfect way to extend the bed of your truck without changing the integrity of your truck. You will be very pleased after you have seen what Extendobed has come up with. They have the best truck bed extenders that you could possible ask for. There are so many different options for truck bed extenders that you will end up with something that will do exactly what you need it to do.

Every customer who has come to Extendobed with a request for a truck bed slide or extender Extendobedhas received more than they could have hoped for. Extendobed has so many different types of extenders that it can be hard to keep track of all of them and the uses for all. You want to make sure that you are getting something that is perfect for what you need. When you speak to someone from Extendobed, you will be able to talk to someone who can tell you which unit will work for what you need it to. Since there are so many to choose from, it can be difficult to make that decision on your own. You do not want to end up with something that does not work for what you need it do. But, you can trust that the employees at Extendobed know what they are doing and that your truck will function much better after getting its new extender. There is no reason that you should not call Extendobed if you are having difficult hauling things around with your truck.

Since there are so many different options to choose from with Extendobed, you need to know exactly what you will be doing with your truck. It is hard to take out the pickup truck bed extender once it has been installed. Especially if you want to keep your truck in the condition that it is in. You do not want to regret the decision to put in an extender from Extendobed. Extendobed can guarantee that if you made a good choice to begin with on the type of extender that you had installed that you will never have any issues with type of extender you received.

There are many additional accessories that you can purchase for your truck, such as a slide out truck bed

If you are looking to purchase a pickup truck, then you should know that there are also many great accessories that you can look at while in the purchasing process, such as a slide out truck bed. Of course, you can also purchase any of these products after you purchase your truck. A truck is a great and handy vehicle to own. You can get around easier and help others out of bad situations in bad weather. You can haul around your own stuff or you can help others haul their stuff around town. You can use a truck for work in order to transport your material and you can also use a truck as part of your job. With all of these great uses for trucks, then it is very clear as to why there are so many additional accessories that are made to go along with them. slide out truck bed

If you are looking for a new truck, then it is also important to start looking into the new accessories that you want to buy for your truck. Listed here are some of the accessories, such as a truck bed extender, that you can purchase for your truck:

1. A camper shell. A camper shell is a vital and great thing to have on the bed of your truck. A camper shell can give you protection and privacy while also providing a place to sleep when camping or away from home. A camper shell also gives you more room in order to store things in the back of your truck.

2. A truck cap. A truck cap can be customized or purchased in a store or online. It can be hard cover and attached to the back of your truck or it can be a soft cover cap. It depends on your preference. The higher end truck caps will be customized for your truck and will fit on the bed of the truck perfectly, giving you the protection that you wanted for the things that you store in your truck bed.

3. A slide out extender. A slide out extender is the perfect accessory to add to your truck right away. This will extend your truck bed out so that you can work from it if you are involved in contracting or outdoor construction. You can also have easier access to your belongings regardless of what you keep in the bed of your truck.

4. A bed mat. A truck bed mat is another great thing to have in your truck as it will protect the floor of your truck.

5. A tailgate mat. A tailgate mat is also important as it will protect your truck bed when people are tailgating from your truck!

As you can see, these were just a few of the many accessories that you can purchase for your new truck. These were only items pertaining to the truck bed. Imagine all of the various accessories that you can find for your truck cap or the exterior of your truck! If you are looking for a truck bed extender or slide out, then you can check out all of the various options at